28 April 2015


Jesus teaches about attitudes to each other, to God and the world

Click here to read John 15

Discussion Questions

  • In what ways has Jesus loved his disciples (and us)?
  • How can we repeat this loving behaviour towards one another?

Share your thoughts below, or tweet about it with the #boundlessbible hashtag. Don't forget this week's Children's Challenge!

Going Deeper from 'Words of Life'

What a beautiful image! Jesus as the vine; the Father as the gardener.

Then, a picture of a beautiful vineyard – producing wonderful fruit.

But where do we fit into this? Jesus continues:

‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing’ (v 5 NIV2011).

We are the branches that are attached to the True Vine. An intimate union. Being part of Jesus. But this ‘attachment’ is intended for bearing fruit.

Bringing others to Christ. Telling others of the Vine – so they can become branches that also bear fruit. It is about being in Christ. Being grafted into the True Vine. What an honour and privilege! Yet how very humbling: Christ’s will becoming our will. His dreams becoming our dreams. It involves a full surrender. All for Jesus. Not just for a moment or for a season. But to remain in him and to abide  in him.

The first two appointments for me and my husband as Salvation Army officers were in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. This large geographical area was filled with many vineyards. We often saw the gardeners pruning the fruit trees, cutting back the branches in order that the fruit was good and healthy. Similarly, we, the branches – attached to the True Vine – must allow God to prune us in order that our lives become pure and holy: lives that are spiritually healthy in order to bear good fruit for God’s Kingdom. To be like Jesus, so that others will be attracted to him and want to be attached to the True Vine.


Lord, I ask that you reveal to me anything that is not right in my life; anything that is not pure and holy. For my heart’s desire is that I bear only good fruit for you, the True Vine!

Beverly Ivany
Photo courtesy freebibleimages.org

Tags: John