09 August 2015
by Philip Layton


Paul is encouraged by the response to his previous letter

Click here to read 2 Corinthians 7

Discussion Questions

  • What sort of things today may have the ability to ‘contaminate body and spirit’ in your life (v 1)?

  • How would you explain the difference between ‘godly sorrow’ and ‘worldly sorrow’ (v 10)?

Share your thoughts below, or tweet about it with the #boundlessbible hashtag. Don't forget this week's Children's Challenge!

Going Deeper From 'Words of Life'

Tough days may come, if not already. Trials, suffering, even persecution may be ours. Yet we have the assurance of God’s presence with us. And something else is promised to us – great joy . Paul says to the Corinthians that if we’re faithful to God, joy will be ours and will know no limits:

I have great confidence in you; I take great pride in you. I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds (7:4).

Joy, through hardships. This doesn’t make sense – yet it’s true. And we can share this joy with others. Christ in me. Christ in you.


Contact someone who is experiencing hardship. remind them of God’s love and joy that can be theirs if they put their trust in him.

Beverly Ivany

Tags: 2 Corinthians