29 April 2015
by Philip Layton


The work of the Holy Spirit is summarised and the disciples understand more

Click here to read John 16

Discussion Question

  • If the Holy Spirit had not yet been sent, what would those early gatherings of believers have been like without his presence?

Share your thoughts below, or tweet about it with the #boundlessbible hashtag. Don't forget this week's Children's Challenge!

Going Deeper from 'Words of Life'

F rom the beginning, God had chosen the name for his Son – Jesus. Why?

Because he would save his people. Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew Yeshu’a  – Joshua. The name means ‘Yahweh [Jehovah] is salvation’. It was a well-used name 2,000 years ago, and in some countries today it is still a common name. My youngest son’s name is Joshua, which is also a common name in the Western world. Jesus came to save ordinary people like you and me. Jesus came to save – and he still saves. Only Jesus, God’s Son, brings salvation. Only Jesus , God’s Son, grants us eternal life.

When Jesus spoke with his disciples, telling them why he came to earth, he also told them to pray in his name:

‘Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete’ (John 16:24).

There is power in the name of Jesus. We can ask him for anything! He might respond with the answer ‘yes’ to our request. It might be ‘no’. Or Jesus might tell us, ‘wait.’ This is where we need to trust him – implicitly. To acknowledge that he knows what is best for our lives, and for the lives of those we love and care for deeply.

What was the first song you ever learned about Jesus as a child? Probably, ‘Jesus loves me! This I know.’ I think you will agree that it sums up our faith; knowing we are loved by Jesus – and that he invites us to love him in return.

Even though we fail him often, he still loves us. Do we love him? Have we told him lately? Have we spent time in communion with him today? Let us do so right now – by spending a few moments in silent prayer, thinking about our love for Jesus. Please join in my prayer.

Jesus, you are wonderful! You are beautiful. I cannot thank you enough for saving me, cleansing me, restoring me. I love you with all my heart. Help me to love others, as you love me.

Beverly Ivany
Photo courtesy freebibleimages.org

Tags: John