Children's Challenge6–12 July 2015The story so far

Sometimes it is easy to assume that what we think is right and anyone who disagrees with us is wrong. However, in chapter 14 of Paul’s letter to the Romans, we read that we should not judge others for their understanding of God. Instead, we should be tolerant and accepting of others.  

Paul writes that our acceptance and understanding of others should be noticeable in the way we treat people, how we speak to them and the way we behave. It is important to encourage and support others as they try to live as Jesus has taught them—even if it is different from us.

What do I read

Romans 15:1–5 

What do I think say or create

Putting other people’s needs before our own is not always easy, but it is something Jesus continually taught his disciples, and it is something we should try to do also.

When we are patient with others and considerate of their needs, it helps us to live in peace with those around us. This reading tells us that it is God who can help us to be patient and cheerful.

Can you think of a situation where you might need to show more patience or cheerfulness towards others?
Each day this week in your prayers, ask God to help you be more patient and cheerful. What might that look like for you each day? Perhaps it will be easier to remember to do this if you pray it at the same time every day (for instance, when you are brushing your teeth or getting dressed).