12–18 January 2015

The story so far...

Jesus was born and Jesus grew up (he would have attended school and church, like other Jewish boys, and then learnt his father’s trade as a carpenter) and when he was about 30 years old he started teaching about lots of important things that God wanted people to know, things like: God loves us; he forgives us when we make unwise choices; there’s a way God wants us to live; that if we follow and believe in God we can live forever with him in heaven and, most importantly, that Jesus was God’s son and it was important to listen to him.

What happened next

Jesus teaching (FreeBibleImages.com)One of the key messages that Jesus taught is often called ‘the sermon on the mount’ (because it was delivered while he was on a hill), you may have heard of it and even read or know lots of the teaching that is included in it.

He taught the people that were gathered around about some really important things that we all need to know. One of those important things was about prayer — let’s have a look at it together. 

What do I read?

Matthew 6:5–15 

What do I think, say or create?

Prayer treeThink about how you can make the Lord’s Prayer personal by finishing these sentences:

  • Father God, I praise and honour you because…
  • Help me to treat others with…
  • Thank you for…
  • I am sorry for…
  • Please help me forgive…

Now you can say your own prayer using what you have written down. Use these sentences each day this week when you are praying.

Why not ask your parent/guardian to share your prayers via social media (they can use the #boundlessbible hashtag) and we'll share some of the best ones here!

'Jesus teaching' image courtesy of freebibleimages.com
Prayer tree image courtesy of David Giles