14 January 2015

More healing and questions

Click here to read Matthew 9

Discussion questions

  • Why was Jesus being accused of blasphemy?
  • Jesus brings a dead girl to life and heals the blind and mute. Can you imagine the impact this would have on those who heard about it?

Going Deeper – From 'Words Of Life'

It's beautiful to claim faith for ourselves. But we're mandated to share our faith with others. This 'art' of sharing our faith is no slick programme, no sophisticated way of telling others of Jesus. Yet there are some things we can do to be effective and productive - as we reach out to a desperate world in need of Christ.

  • Spiritual growth. What puts a smile on your face and fire in your heart? If the answer has something to do with your spiritual walk, you're growing in Christ - aided by the Holy Spirit.
  • Friendship. Everyone needs friends. Dr Joseph C. Aldrich speaks of lifestyle evangelism: 'Witness begins with presence, moves to proclamation and then to persuasion.' Friend to friend.
  • Showing love. Isaiah 58 tells us to clothe the naked, release the imprisoned, feed the hungry, care for the elderly. This is how we're to love, if we want to share our faith.
  • Speaking the gospel. The gospel is the good message of Jesus. If we have good news to share, why keep it to ourselves? We owe it to others to speak and share the good news!
  • Witnessing to the atheist and agnostic. The Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky said that not to believe in God was to be condemned to a senseless universe. Faith's not a surrender of the intellect; it's about experiencing God. He's a God for all people.

The art of sharing our faith involves total dependence upon God for reaching out with his love and his message. It's an adventure that is life-changing and transformational.

Beverly Ivany
'Harvest' by Donna Winton. Used under Creative Commons licensing.

Tags: Matthew