Boundless release to get engaged

‘You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself”’ (Galatians 5:13-14 New International Version).

We begin our prayer reflection with a song by Doris Rendell:

We have caught the vision splendid Of a world which is to be                                                                                                     

When the pardoning love of Jesus Freely flows from sea to sea

When all men from strife and anger, Greed and selfishness are free,

When all nations live together In sweet peace and harmony.


We would help to build the city Of our God, so wondrous fair;

Give our time, bring all our talents, And each gift of beauty rare,

Powers of mind, and strength of purpose, Days of labour, nights of strain,

That God’s will may be accomplished, O’er the kingdoms he shall reign.                      

                                                                                                                                   SASB 883

Doris Rendell paints a beautiful picture of a world of people free to love one another. But it is a vision that will take hard work to achieve.

Having had the privilege of travelling around the world it has been fascinating to see people viewing issues from a different perspective. Often we accept what is normal in our community as being right without thinking about it. I love the Southern Africa Territory’s slogan ‘Living Christ’s values’. It challenges us to see everyone and everything through God’s eyes and to live accordingly.

Reflection: Are we seeing the world as God sees it or are we being influenced by others around us?

God calls us to be free, to be engaged in making this world a better place, but we can only do that by the power of his Spirit, the Spirit that sets us free, free from fear, from shame, from embarrassment.

Reflection: What are those things in our lives that prevent us from being free to be engaged?

My grandparents had a picture hanging on their wall on which was written a proverb. It said: ‘A tree is not felled in one blow, take the will for the deed.’ In other words, do not expect it to be easy, go prepared for hard work.  Loving our neighbours is not always easy and persuading the world around us to do the same won’t be either, be prepared for tiredness and discouragement but don’t let it deter us.

Reflection: How is God calling me to be engaged in building his Kingdom?

The world is needing us, Christ is leading us;

Comrades, let us be true.

His love constraining us, Prayer sustaining us,

Faith will carry us through.

His service calling us, None appalling us

Deeds of valour we’ll do;

For souls are needing us, Christ is leading us;

Comrades, we will be true.

                                                  SASB chorus 239, Will J. Brand


And a prayer for all God’s workers:

Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you,

All things are passing but God never changes

Patiently strive with God for all things

For when God goes with you, you lack nothing

In Christ you will have everything you need. Amen.

                                                         Based on the Prayer of Teresa of Avila


 Lieut-Colonel Eirwen Pallant
Deputy Director: International Social Justice Commission




