ISJC Director Lt. Colonel Dean Pallant was a speaker at the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Social Justice, held in São Paulo, Brazil from 31 May to 3 June 2018. Lt. Colonel Pallant developed four lectures about human rights.

We will add a new lecture every day, so follow along to read all four! Each paper is in English, and translated into português.


Lecture 1

English: "Happy 70th Birthday Human Rights - Will You Survive the 21st Century?"

Português: "Feliz 70º Aniversário, Direitos Humanos – Você vai sobreviver ao século 21?"

Lecture 2

English: "Human Rights are Stronger with Religion"

Português: "Os Direitos Humanos São Mais Fortes com a Religião"

Lecture 3

English: "Making Human Rights a Reality for Everyone by Supporting Agenda 2030"

Português: "Tornando os Direitos dos Humanos uma Realidade para Todos pelo Apoio à Agenda 2030"

Lecture 4

English: "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on Earth..."

Português: "Venha o teu Reino: Seja Feita a tua Vontade, assim na Terra..."


Curious about what the Symposium looked like? Check out the photo album from the event:

Simpósio Justiça Social 2018

Tags: Social Justice, Events