The ideal basic unit of society is the home and family, where women play a vital and definitive role. Furthermore, as natural providers of hope, women play an important part in shaping society. Therefore any fellowship of women in which Christian influence is exerted and practical help given benefits not only the individual and the family, but also the nation.

The mission of Women’s Ministries is to:

 bring women into a knowledge of Jesus Christ

 encourage their full potential in influencing family, friends and community

 equip them for growth in personal understanding and life skills

 address issues which affect women and their families in the world


Logo for Women's Ministries in Mizo

IHQ Women's Bible Studies - More than Conquerors in Mizo

[Click on the cover page to read the book - Hnehtu aia Ropui]

  Cover page Artist : Hilda Lalremtluangi
  Central Corps, Central South Division,
  India Eastern Territory





Women’s Ministries provide a programme of meetings and other activities based on the fourfold aims of the Army’s international women’s organisation, the Home League, which was inaugurated in 1907. The aims are worship, education, fellowship and service.The motto of the Home League is: ‘I will live a pure life in my house ...’ (Psalm 101:2b, Good News Bible).

21st April, 1935 is recorded as the raising day of Home League for India Eastern Territory.



The League of Mercy began in 1892 in Canada and is made up of people of all ages whose mission is to engage in a caring ministry. The main objective of the League of Mercy is to respond to the spiritual and social needs of the community. ‘In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me’ (Mathew 25:40)

It was introduced in our Territory on 17th July, 1994.



The Order of the Silver Star, inaugurated by General Evangeline Booth in the USA in 1930 while she was the National Commander and extended worldwide in 1936, expresses gratitude to parents or other significant life mentors of Salvation Army officers.

Silver Star members are awarded with Certificate and a Silver Star brooch. Currently there are 310 members in our territory. Order of the Silver Star was awarded for the first time in 1987 to the mothers of Messengers of Peace Session and then sent out to all the mothers of the Officers who were not given before.



It is an international fellowship of dedicated medical personnel instituted in 1943 by Mrs.General Minnie Carpenter. Physical suffering in the world today challenges both the medical and the physical and emotional resources of medical personnel. The Fellowship encourages a Christian witness and application of Christian practical application in hospitals, clinics and various other places of medical care.

The motto of SAMF is: ‘If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another’ (1 John 1:7)

The earliest members from our region comprise of 6 female Nurses and 1 male Nurse and their membership card bear the date – 9th November 1979.



Women Ministries have separate Magazine ‘CHUNNUNPAR’ issued on a quarterly basis. The first edition was published in September, 2005 with 3000 copies, and is now increased to 3500 copies. They instituted a Chunnunpar Board which sat every quarter.

Every year Women Ministries published Home League Lesson Book to be used in Home League Meeting. Before 1958, these lessons were published in ‘Sipai Tlangau’ (Mizo War Cry) as part of articles. Then, from 1958 separate lesson sheets for the Home League was published every 3 months. In 1967, lesson book translated from English was published for used in their meetings. Major Lalramliana (now a retired Lieutenant Colonel) wrote the first Home League lesson book in 1985, and since then, officer and lay Salvationists wrote lesson book, and from 2005 the lesson book is molded into two sections - Mizo and English and distributed to other territories as well, which was later separated into 2 books, and the English version was published in accordance with the demand. Mizo Salvationists in Myanmar are making use of our Home League lesson book and is transported to them every year. Presently, 4500 copies of Home League lesson is published every year.

Home League Lesson 2018 @ issuu.com (click on the link to read it online)



The Fellowship of the Least Coin originated in the Philippines. FLC is now a worldwide ecumenical program as adopted by 80 countries around the world. This is according to the Asian Church Women Conference as reported in their 50th anniversary last 2006.

It was adopted by India Eastern Territory in 2004 and there is no separate membership. Any women can make a box in which she saves her least coin everytime she prayed. In some areas women form a group and have a common box to put their coins. A separate Sunday is allocated in the Territory for FLC and women brought their boxes that day and submitted all their coins to the DHQ which goes to THQ and then, submitted to IHQ.

The “least coins” from around the world come with prayers, quietly and gradually, to meet the needs for each year. Our gentle, loving and compassionate God never fails us. God does great works through the humble, the least, the marginalized and the poor. That’s the strength, the promise, the beauty, and the surprise upholding the FLC prayer movement.


The FLC prayer Movement is simple, yet, significant and unique:
1. It brings Christian women together in fellowship of prayer without any discrimination of race, nationality, color, culture or denomination. Christian women have solidarity through their common concern and love for humankind. Women of the world are bound together by both giving “least coins” and by women of every region receiving grants.
2. The offering is unique because all, whether rich or poor, or illiterate, urban or rural, give only the smallest coin of their currency. All are within the same discipline and share the common concerns of women around the world.
3. It is stewardship, both of the idea and of the Fund. When “least coins” are put together, along with the individual prayers offered by members throughout the work they become a strong force in bringing about justice, reconciliation and peace. The “least coins” teaches us to be humble, to value the least, and to trust that nothing is impossible for God who can do great things from out of the least and unexpected.”