Secretary for Business Administration - Lieutenant Colonel Lalhriatpuia


Business Administration Department oversees and manages the financial, property, trading, funding, investment and corporation business of the Territory. The key responsibilities are summarized below:

1.Finance: Bookkeeping is kept up-to-date and steps are taken to control and reduce expenditure when necessary. As Territory is moving towards self-support many new schemes are devised for fund-raising in the territory. Investments and Trust Funds are maintained to earn interest and Pension Fund kept in a healthy state. THQ property and vehicles insurance are updated regularly and ensured that the territorial policy on finance is strictly followed in divisions as well.

2.Audit: THQ Auditor is making yearly visits to divisions, districts and social institutions for audits and retains necessary information and the prepared information and documents are then produce to the external auditors.

3.Projects and Sponsorship: All project and sponsorship fund are disbursed and used as targeted. Project secretary identifies and oversees project work as much as possible.

4.Trade and Supplies: The Salvation Army uniforms and accessories are adequately in stock and made available in THQ Trade. Bibles, Songbooks and reputed gospel writings are also available in Trade section. Trade and Supplies are making good profit and give proper account of business.

5.Property: Supervision of existing Army property, securing of legal documents for land owned by the Army and processing of any property project is done through the Property Secretary. Business Administration Department ensured an up-to-date fixed assets register in Divisions and Social Institutions.

6.Information Technology: All the Divisions/District and Officers Training College are now linked through Microsoft Office 365. All the Officers will have accessed to O365 very soon. The District and Divisional Headquarters are equipped with good I.T. infrastructure. Electronic mailing and filing system is highly promoted, safe and secure data storage in the cloud is kept in place.

7.Legal: Business Administration Department liaises with the Legal Adviser and represents the Territory in any court case.