Secretary for Programme – Lieutenant Colonel Lalliankunga
Programme Administration Department looks after the ongoing ministries of The Salvation Army and coordinates the work for the development of the People and the Community under the Territorial Leaders. It ensures the consistent achievement of physical and spiritual wellbeing for the benefits of God’s Kingdom through Field work and Community Development Programme. The key responsibilities are summarized below:
1.Corps Programme: Corps work lies at the heart of the mission of the Territory and as such is one of the particular focuses of the Programme Administration Department. Programme includes Corps Ministry, Outreach Evangelism, Children, Youth, Scouts & Guides, Sunday school as well as Creative Arts & Music.
2.Social Programme: The Social ministry of The Salvation Army is the second of its two great ministries. It provides a good balance to the work of the Corps and work in partnership to achieve more. Programme Administration Department identifies the type of Social work required to meet the varied needs of people in India Eastern Territory through Health & Wholeness, Education, Homes, Socio-emotional and Feeding Programmes.
3.Media/Public Relations: Communications and Public Relations department coordinate and propagate the Territorial Events skillfully through the Salvation Army Communications Network (SACNET) which plays a vital role in media coverage to the community in general. Media are important instruments to relate with other denominations and para-churches that stand alongside with The Salvation Army in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
4.Emergency: Emergencies Department ensures that whenever community’s emergencies occur, The Salvation Army is there to assist the effected people. It also works with IHQ Programme Resources section to gain resources/supports from outside the territory when such circumstance occurs.
5.Literature: Literature Department headed by the Editor ensures a timely publication of periodicals as well as resources required by the Territory.
6.Statistics: Statistics provides an invaluable resource for the future shaping and development of The Salvation Army mission and as such, are kept in a timely and accurate manner for the work of the Territory.