Lt. Col. Festus Oloruntoba OfficerCommanding Liberia CommandThe Salvation Army opened fire in Liberia in May 1988 as part of the Ghana and Liberia Territory, with Major and Mrs. Leonard Millar as pioneer Officers. This happened after more than 10 years of letters being written to International Headquarters by church pastors asking they become part of the movement. The Salvation Army Liberia Command is one of the newest churches in Liberia. But because of our holistic ministry, the Army is ranked among the fastest growing church in the Republic of Liberia. Our education system is ranked among the best in the country. Our social and medical services are being appreciated through the length and breath of Liberia. The Command had recorded a steady growth as a result of our evangelical outreach.
INTERNATIONAL MISSION STATEMENTWe are an evangelical part of the universal church; Our message is based on the Bible Our mission is to preach the word of God and meet human needs without discrimination
LIBERIA COMMAND MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of the Liberia Command is to exemplify our love relationship with Christ in every area of our lives. We will strive to emulate Him in our ministry to mankind in servant hood and love. We will discipline ourselves as an evangelical force, determined to build and sustain the kingdom of God and promote the expansion of the Salvation Army into every county of Liberia and its surrounding countries and by God’s grace, we will take possession of the land that God has already given to us.
LEGAL STANDINGThe Salvation Army in Liberia is a corporation; its full registration name being The Salvation Army, Incorporated (Liberia). Registered on 13th January 1989.
STATISTICSFollowing the cessation of civil hostilities in 2004, the country of Liberia has been in a long process of re-establishing infrastructures and social frame works. These influences have had a significant impact on the development and growth of the Liberia Command. However, analysis of the past three year’s statistics indicates a steady growth in the Command.
PROGRAMCorps program seek to respond to demand and opportunity for the most part, the evidential need is for education, hence a number of corps host KI and KII classes mostly within the corps hall or quarters. Others program activities are based on the usual program associated with the Salvation Army corps, Home Leagues, Junior Home League, men’s fellowship, youth work, League of mercy, counseling, response to disasters, sponsorship, Adult literacy etc. Initiatives to stimulate growth and respond to growth opportunities have been through the establishment of the Command Mission Team and from this, sectional and corps mission team. These mission teams have had considerable response to the initiatives and endeavors undertaken.
SOULS SAVING AND SOLDIERS MAKINGSouls saving initiatives are undertaken both at corps level and by means of sectional command and corps level mission team. Theme for the year 2013 “MY YEAR OF SOULS WINNING”
INTERNATIONAL MISSION STATEMENTWe are an Evangelical part of the Universal church Liberia is in the Zone of Africa, West Africa. Countries included in this Command are Liberia and Sierra Leone. Languages in which the gospel is preached are Bassa, English, Gola, Krahn, Lorma
STATISTICS ON THE COMMANDOfficer: 53 Auxiliary Captains: 10 Envoys: 1 Corps Leaders: 4 Cadets: 14 Employee: 224 Corps: 23 Outposts: 21 Schools: 12 Clinic: 1 Mobile clinic: 1 Senior soldiers: 2,372 Adherent members: 86 Junior soldiers: 424