The Salvation Army Handbook of Doctrine  provides the foundational spiritual basis for the good works of The Salvation Army. It thoroughly explores the 11 biblically based Salvation Army articles of Christian faith (doctrines), discussing the Bible, God, the creation and care of the world, Jesus Christ, humanity’s relationship with God and the eternal life to come. 

The 2010 edition is the latest in a long line of books devoted to The Salvation Army’s articles of faith. The first Doctrine Book was prepared by General William Booth in 1881. This latest handbook contains a study guide to the doctrines and study notes covering the Army’s essential characteristics, its position concerning Christian sacraments, spiritual God-given gifts and how The Salvation Army relates to the wider Church. Also included in an extremely informative handbook are the classical Christian Creeds, a Salvation Army lectionary, people and events from Church history and a glossary of theological terms within the final appendices section.

The Salvation Army Handbook of Doctrine may be downloaded as a PDF or be purchased in hard cover for £10 sterling, by sending a cheque made out to The Salvation Army to:

The Salvation Army
International Headquarters
Communications Section
101 Queen Victoria Street

It is also available on amazon.co.uk or you can order it from The Salvation Army nearest you.