Two thousand years ago, when there were no newspapers, televisions, radios,
mobile phones or other means of global communication, Jesus said something that may have seemed an unachievable hope or an unrealistic boast to those listening. He said: ‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away’ (Matthew 24:35). He was utterly confident of the eternal quality of the truth he declared. He knew it would endure because, ultimately, it is the standard by which all other ‘truth’ is measured....

The Bible

One Army - 05 In Truth - 1 The Bible from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

Jesus - The Truth

One Army - 05 In Truth - 2 Jesus the Truth from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.


One Army - 05 In Truth - 3 Doctrine from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.


One Army - 05 In Truth - 4 Symbols from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

Translating the Truth

One Army - 05 In Truth - 5 Translating the Truth from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

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