Date of Meeting: 15 June 2017

Meeting Organizer: UN Refugee Agency – UNHCR – CICG,Geneva

ISJC Staff Present: Commissioner Jane Paone

Reporter: Commissioner Jane Paone

Which SDG does this topic cover? 1, 5, 8

Type of meeting: Panel with Deputy High Commissioner UNHCR Kelly Clements, Xavier Devictor, World Bank, USA, Kathrin Mohr, DHL, Germany, Eunice Ndonga, Refugee Consortium of Kenya – moderator Kathryn Taetzsch, World Vision International, Kenya

Brief summary of presentation of information made

  • Need for all actors to come together to give support for immediate and ongoing needs of CRRF.  How to best address the funding gap through creative resourcing approaches.   
  • The World Bank has changed and realizes the need to work with private sectors due to the magnitude of the prolonged/renewed crisis – mixed migration/refugee flows.
  • Local actors are in countries before the conflict and therefore can identify with needs before and can work more closely with local governments.  Local actors are the first point of contact.  
  • Private sector has many opportunities for offering employment – DHL international. Over half a million entities – “whatever happens in other parts of the world, it affects us!”  Culture of personnel. Feeling responsible for others!  
  • Local actors sometimes frustrated by complicated reporting mechanisms - (different audits) - so much time used in reporting.  Time that could be used more effectively for caring for refugees.
  • Importance of prevention – recognizing signs (importance of local informing county and government). Taking time to prepare for crisis.  
  • Consider what each person brings to the table in human capacity (not just money) – great expertise to share.

What was of particular significance to share with The Salvation Army globally?

  • The Salvation Army needs to realize its privilege of being local actors with great opportunities to learn the real needs of refugees, migrants.  Often we are at the forefront in the ministry of holistic ministry and integration, welcoming the stranger.
  • The Salvation Army needs to get to know/and be known with NGOs, Government, other actors, learning how to speak the same language in order to put important points across and be heard.

Web links for more information

Tags: SDG1: No Poverty, SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG5: Gender Equality