12 July 2018

IN their last public meetings in the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland before retirement, General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox (World President of Women’s Ministries) led the commissioning of the Messengers of the Gospel Session of cadets at Central Hall, Westminster.

Testimonies on the theme 'Journey' were given by Cadets Rebecca Mitchinson and Christine Tursi before Training Principal Lieut-Colonel Mike Caffull formally presented the cadets to Territorial Commander Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham, who thanked the William Booth College staff for their work. He encouraged the cadets to maintain a deep spiritual experience as they face the demands of ministry.

General André Cox with the Messengers of the Gospel

Message from the General

The General told the cadets: ‘You need to keep a strong faith in a God who can do incredible things.’ They have a message that can change the world, he told them, but they need to be convinced of it themselves and to experience the power of the Holy Spirit.

Following the declaration of faith, each cadet was called individually to stand before the General, who ordained them as ministers of the gospel and commissioned them as officers with the rank of lieutenant. The General also read a Bible verse chosen especially for each new officer.

The first-year cadets sang while the new lieutenants divided into prayer groups with friends. Commissioner Cox then offered a dedicatory prayer.

Take it to the Streets

In the evening celebration the lieutenants sang their sessional song, ‘We’ve got Good News!’, and the congregation joined in a song that gave the evening its theme, ‘Take it to the Streets’.

Two lieutenants then gave testimonies on that theme. Lieutenant Lottie Milner said that in her involvement with Muslims she had experienced ‘beautifully redemptive moments’. Lieutenant Scott Garman shared how he and three other cadets had held ‘old-fashioned’ open-air meetings resulting in positive contacts and opportunities to pray with people.

Commissioner Cox declared that the message that Christians are given to take to the streets is ‘exciting, beautiful, worthwhile saying’. Like the apostle Paul, she said, when people meet with Jesus they are offered freedom from sin and the power to live for him. She urged the congregation to obey Jesus’ call.

William Booth College hosted the farewell meeting on Sunday morning, in which Lieutenant Helen Loxley testified to wanting a constantly deepening relationship with God.

Speaking particularly to the lieutenants about the years to come, the General said: ‘Unless your “yes” is always a “yes” you will miss out on what God has in store for you.’

A number of people knelt at the mercy seat during the prayer time. Following the closing song and benediction, the college choir brought the weekend to a close with ‘There’s Never Been a Mountain’, encouraging all present with the words: ‘There’s gonna be a vict’ry, like there’s never been.’

Report by Lieut-Colonel Jonathan Roberts

Tags: Europe, The General, News