Firstly watch the video and read the booklet and relevant Bible verses. Then stop and think before considering these questions. Click on the appropriate links to read other people's thoughts and to submit your own comments.

One Life - To Live

Imagine God presenting you with your one life as a gift. What are your reactions?

One Life - William Booth

What is the aim of your life? What would you like to be or achieve, and why? Share any convictions you have about what God may be asking of you.

One Life - Jesus Christ

‘Without Jesus there would be no Salvation Army.’ Why? In what ways does the human life of Jesus show us his divine qualities? Why is Jesus’ life the most important that has ever been lived?

One Life - One Church

How does the chorus ‘We’re all seeking the same Saviour’ give us a sense of unity? Why do you think Jesus wants all Christians to love one another? How can the Army be a gift from God to the Church?

One Life - One Army

What things help the Army express itself as ‘one Army’? What unites Christians best of all? Discuss the dangers of becoming ‘exclusive’ and forgetting the needs of those who do not enjoy the same fellowship.

Culture in Context

In what ways does your culture differ from the one described for The Philippines?
‘A Filipino does not celebrate or suffer alone.’ Discuss the importance of mutual support.
The ‘shame’ culture exists in many countries. What damage might this cause if it discourages people from speaking up?
What are the difficulties involved in working away from your family? What may we need to guard against?
Behaving badly can bring shame on the family. Discuss ways in which we should guard against bringing shame on the family of God.
What does it mean to ‘walk the talk’?