24 August 2017

GENERAL André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox (World President of Women’s Ministries) were guest leaders at the Africa Zonal Conference in Madagascar – the newest country in which The Salvation Army is officially working. The conference brought together leaders of Africa's 13 territories, three commands and one region across the zone for discussion, reflection and prayer about key issues that face The Salvation Army in Africa and around the world.

The zonal conference was preceded by a zonal women leaders’ conference led by Commissioner Cox and the Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Commissioner Grace Mnyampi.

Giving his keynote speech, the General highlighted the achievements made in The Salvation Army's Accountability Movement. He emphasised that the challenge going forward was not 'to wrestle with concepts and ideas, but how do we translate the issues that we have agreed into concrete action?'

Stressing the significance of people and the building of good relationships, the General said: 'It is important that we never lose focus on the fact that the Army was called into being for people. If we lose focus on the priority of people, all the management competency, the programmes, the buildings and considerable worldwide financial resources are of no use. At the heart of all we do, there are people. We need to value people. Our greatest resource is actually in our people – the people we employ, our soldiers, our officers, our volunteers and those we serve every day.'

Among the subjects covered during the conference were Effective Communication; Character Building; Child Protection; Sexuality; Anti-human Trafficking; Governance; and Accountability – Finance and Information Technology.

Delegates were touched and blessed by prayer moments and insights gained from devotions and a Bible study called 'The Journey into the Tabernacle', which were led by Commissioner Cox every morning.

On Saturday afternoon, the General and conference delegates attended a holiness meeting at the new opening at Alakamisy in Antananarivo Province. Commissioners Joash and Florence Malabi (territorial leaders of the Zimbabwe and Botswana Territory, which oversees the work in Madagascar), led the lively meeting which was also attended by the Mayor of Alakamisy, corps officers Major Jean and Flore Kiala, soldiers and friends of the Army.

In his Bible message, the General urged the congregation to continue to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. He appealed for them not to be content with attending and worshipping at the new opening, but to go out and preach the gospel, reaching out to other people in the community in Jesus' name. After his message, about 50 adults and children knelt at the mercy seat and were prayed for.

Report by by Major Isaac Siundu

Tags: Africa, Prayer, The General, News