10 August 2016

THE Chief of the Staff (Commissioner Brian Peddle) and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle (World Secretary for Women's Ministries) led a women's rally, men's fellowship rally, officers council and a holiness meeting during a visit to Uganda. The main purpose of the trip was to install Commissioner Vinece Chigariro as Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women's Ministries of the Uganda Territory.

Having been welcomed at the Entebbe International Airport by a group from territorial headquarters – led by Commissioner Chigariro – the visitors set off to nearby Kampala and then travelled more than 200 kilometres to Mbale, near the eastern border with Kenya.

On Saturday, Commissioner Rosalie Peddle conducted a women's rally at Bumbo Corps (church) while the Chief shared with members of the men's fellowship. These meetings were followed by officers council at Buwambingwa Corps.

More than 200 women attended the rally, which took the theme Being Set Free, based on Luke 13:10-17. In her Bible message, based on the theme verse, Commissioner Peddle reminded her listeners that Jesus comes with a mission to heal and set free. She called upon the women present to give their troubles and burdens to Jesus so they can be free and their joy 'may be complete'. Her challenge to accept healing and redemption inspired more than 50 women to kneel at the mercy seat in prayer.

During the women's rally, the Chief of the Staff shared worship with some of the territory's male officers and soldiers. He called on them to avoid being distracted from doing what God requires and to trust God daily with a personal focus on obedience, belief and surrender.

In the afternoon, the Chief and Commissioner Peddle met in council with officers of the territory.

On Sunday, hundreds of officers, soldiers and friends gathered in the grounds of Bumbo Corps to worship and to witness the installation by the Chief of the Staff of Commissioner Chigariro as Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women's Ministries of the Uganda Territory. The holiness meeting included stirring music, gospel dance, timbrels and a choir.

The phrase 'I will' resounded again and again as the commissioner took up her new role. She committed to uphold the truths of the Bible, to stand by the Salvation Army flag, to use the mercy seat to lead the lost to Christ, to be in charge of women's ministries, and to teach, lead and direct the Church of Christ.

Commissioner Rosalie Peddle offered a prayer of dedication to God while Commissioner Chigariro knelt before God in dedication and as a witness to those gathered.

Loud sounds of appreciation were heard as the new territorial commander was presented to her flock, with some soldiers and friends showing their jubilation through dance. The installation ceremony was followed by a number of speeches in which Ugandan Salvationists welcomed their new territorial commander.

The Chief of the Staff expressed the hope that God would bring a fresh blessing to Uganda through Commissioner Chigariro. Words of encouragement were also shared by government representatives who were in attendance.

Accepting her new responsibilities, Commissioner Chigariro told Uganda's Salvationists and friends: 'I am coming as a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ to work together with you.' In her Bible message she challenged her listeners to abide by their calling and not slide back into old ways of living. Forty-seven people responded to her message by kneeling at the mercy seat.

The next day, before flying back to London the Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Peddle visited territorial headquarters in Kampala and toured the martyrs' shrine at Namugongo, which commemorates the lives of 32 Ugandan men who were killed in 1886 because they would not renounce their Christian faith.

The Chief of the Staff notes the continued potential of the Uganda Territory to be a positive influence in a nation that has faced many challenges. He calls on Salvationist and friends around the world to pray for the every expression of The Salvation Army in Uganda.

Report by Major Ambrose Walimbwa

Tags: Africa, Events, The General, News