Tool 2.10 This tool may be useful at any step if people stop participating in the process or if there are differences of opinion.

Working through the Steps of the FBF process with a good facilitator is usually enjoyable and worthwhile. Sometimes though, when participants are tired or stressed, hey may have difficulty staying with the process of evaluation and reflection and become impatient for action.

At other stages people may lose interest and begin to think about other things. If this happens, it may help for the facilitator to:

  • Outline what the problem seems to be and what may be causing it (keeping to issues rather than blaming anyone).
  • Ask people why they think there is a problem (staying with issues and avoiding blame).
  • Invite group members with strong differences of opinion to change places with each other and then to state the other person's opinion or belief as honestly and accurately as possible. This will help them to 'stand in each others' shoes'. After this has been done, invite comments on how this felt for those taking part.
  • Suggest having a break and spending a set amount of time on a creative activity together before returning to the present task.
  • Invite suggestions for ground rules to be agreed on to assist in completing the task.
  • Seek agreement for a timetable for completing the task.

» If an external donor has been involved, there may be other evaluation tools to be used. However, it is strongly recommended that the self-assessment tool is also used as it will involve all group members in a discussion as to who their task is progressing. This will increase their personal ownership and input into the work.