Learning how to build deeper relationships is important for everyone and central to our way of working. Relationships often come under great pressure and can become fragile. Sometimes they break. Relationships with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues can always be better. Relationships can always be deeper.

Faith-Based Facilitation (FBF) is a way of helping people think, talk, explore and respond to their issues in the light of faith. It results in the development of healthier people and communities who enjoy deeper relationships. Faith-Based Facilitation is not a theory or a project - it is a way of working. It's not a new idea, but it needs to practiced, remembered and implemented. It needs to become a habit.

FBF will help you look at every day issues and events more objectively and find ways of responding to particular situations in the light of faith. People can be trained in these relationship-building skills and become faith-based facilitators. They can then form teams (or use the skills in their everyday personal relationships) to improve the relationships in their communities. Such an approach is not separate to normal Salvation Army processes but should become an integral part of its structure and way of working.

The FBF process is based on The Pastoral Cycle, which is widely used to help people of faith in their work.