25 November 2015
by Philip Layton

Foot washing

God is love. We love because he first loved us

Click here to read 1 John 4

Discussion Questions

  • Is your church a worshipping community where everyone loves one another (verses 7 and 21)?
  • Do you love your brothers and sisters in Christ?
  • What is the fear John is speaking about (v 18)?

Share your thoughts below, or tweet about it with the #boundlessbible hashtag. Don't forget this week's Children's Challenge!

Going Deeper From 'Words of Life'

It is so easy to say those three little words: ‘I love you.’ But sometimes they are easier said than done. If we truly love someone, it means we would be willing to do anything for that person. And since love comes from God, he gives us the ability to love well.

At least 55 times in the New Testament we are commanded to love. It’s imperative that we love God and love others, if we call ourselves Christians.

It’s to be part of our DNA. For love touches our faith and all our relationships. As believers we interact with our parents, children, relatives, friends. We speak with those who know nothing about Christ. And we rub shoulders with our enemies. In all our interactions, we are to follow the way of love – then we’re to put that love into action by caring for those in need, helping to bind broken relationships, lending a hand where needed, giving of our gifts and talents or praying for one another.

Two of my young grandsons were playing one day. One wanted the toy in the other one’s hand – who wouldn’t hand it over. The first one blurted out: ‘You’re not my friend and I don’t love you any more!’ The second grandson burst into tears: ‘He says he doesn’t love me!’ His little heart was broken, for he couldn’t bear the thought of not being loved. (Ten minutes later the two were hugging each other!)

Are we ever like this ourselves? Refusing love, if we don’t get what we want. Sometimes even playing games with God when he doesn’t respond in the way we think he should. Agape love is all about love in action. It is the giving of oneself to another person. It’s about being Jesus’ hands and feet – allowing God to love through us.


Today, show someone love by doing something practical to help them out. We do this in response to God’s great love for us.

Beverly Ivany
Image: FreeBibleImages.org

Tags: 1 John