02 June 2015
by Philip Layton


Paul spends considerable time in Ephesus. There was resistance to the gospel

Click here to read Acts 19

Discussion Questions 

  • What can be learned about using the name of Jesus (vv 13-17)?
  • Were the people worried about their beliefs or their incomes (v 23-27)?

Share your thoughts below, or tweet about it with the #boundlessbible hashtag. Don't forget this week's Children's Challenge!

Going Deeper from 'O Lord, Not More Verse!'

Called into being by his Holy Spirit,
Shaped by his Spirit, by his Spirit fed,
God made an army, Army of Salvation,
Bound to his bidding, by his Spirit led.
His was the glory! His was the power!
His people, they became the people for the hour.

Moved with compassion, sincere in their service,
Pledged and committed, counting not the cost,
God’s selfless soldiers, spent all, asking nothing,
Healing the wounded, seeking for the lost.
Touched by his Spirit, armed with his power,
His people proved to be the people for the hour.

Still children suffer, helpless in their hurting,
Still faith is needed, kindliness and care;
Still there is sadness, evil goes unchallenged,
Deep is the darkness round us everywhere.
Hear our petition! Pour out your power!
And make your people, Lord, the people for this hour.

Lord of our yesterdays, be with us yet;
All of our modern needs in you are met;
Filled with your Spirit, charged with his power,
O make your people, Lord, the people for this hour!

John Gowans

Tags: Acts